Germany’s third gender law
Yes, there’s more to say about Germany’s new third gender law, especially to readers that understand the LGBTI perspective and the issues that affect us. Also, I got to correct inaccurate press statements about Australia’s third gender law applying to intersex babies, which it doesn’t, just adults who want it. Read “Germany’s Third Gender…
Read MorePlease read my essay Germany’s Third Gender Law: Not What Intersex People Most Need to find out the truth about Germany’s new third gender law. I interviewed several German activists for this piece, and am very happy for the opportunity to get correct information about the law, and why intersex Germans are unhappy…
Read MoreGermany’s new third gender law isn’t the law that intersex people most want & need, & isn’t as good for intersex people as most think/have been saying. I got to explain why on the BBC World Service’s one hour program World Have Your Say.
Read MoreGermany’s new third gender law becomes effective today, and has been hailed as a groundbreaking advancement for intersex people, but every intersex advocacy organization in Germany is opposed to it. Why? The answer is simple: the new law places intersex babies at risk for increased discrimination. According to the law: PStG § 22 Abs. 3:…
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