intersex lawsuit
I couldn’t be happier or prouder about this news today, and to have played a role in it! Having a District Court Judge of the United States — where surgeries aimed at erasing intersex people from society originated, over half a century ago– acknowledge our right to be accurately identified as neither male nor female,…
Read MoreI couldn’t be happier about this victorious ruling, or prouder to call Dana Zzyym, the plaintiff in the case, my friend! In case you missed news of Dana’s historic lawsuit, here’s this beautiful 1 minute video by Lambda Legal, Dana’s brilliant representatives in the case. You can read all about the details and court ruling…
Read MoreWow. I ever thought i’d see the day that intersex people were on the brinkl of being legally recognized by the U.S. gov’t! As if that wasn’t good enough, what an honor that the associate director of the org. I founded and direct, Dana Zzyymm, is the one suing the U.S. State Department, and that…
Read More“Hida Viloria, cheerleading for choice” — definitely the silliest way my activism has ever been described, lol, but essentially true & otherwise the interview was great. It was regarding the groundbreaking lawsuit by the Crawford family for their intersex son, who was castrated at the age of 16 months, before they adopted him. The lawsuit…
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