

Sex Testing Female Assigned Women in Sport: 1950 – Today

By Hida / May 11, 2019 /

As reactions to the Court of Arbitration of Sport’s (CAS) ruling against track star Caster Semenya reveal, many people are unaware that females with XY chromosomes and internal testes exist, and that sporting bodies have allowed them to compete as women, without altering their bodies, since mandatory chromosome testing ended in the ’90’s. Most are…

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Praise for Born Both: An Intersex Life

By Hida / June 1, 2017 /

  I am SOOO happy and thrilled to announce that my memoir Born Both: An Intersex Life (Hachette Books, 3/14/17) has had a great reception from the mainstream press–which means widespread attention for intersex issues! It’s my personal story of learning to love and embrace myself as someone with a visibly intersex body not subjected…

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Happy Herm New Year’s to All!

By Hida / December 31, 2016 /

Feeling so grateful for the support I’ve gotten with my memoir Born Both this past year! From all the folk at my publisher Hachette Book Groups, to those who read it and/or reviewed it, to my friends and chosen family, and all the beautiful people that just support intersex people, I want to say thank you…

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OMG, the U.S. Gov’t finally has to deal with the fact that intersex folks exist!

By Hida / October 26, 2015 /

Wow. I ever thought i’d see the day that intersex people were on the brinkl of being legally recognized by the U.S. gov’t!  As if that wasn’t good enough, what an honor that the associate director of the org. I founded and direct, Dana Zzyymm, is the one suing the U.S. State Department, and that…

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My video in GENDER TALENTS, by Carlos Motta

By Hida / March 15, 2015 /

I was interviewed for Gender Talents, a fantastic web-based project by artist Carlos Motta that engages movements and discourses for gender self-determination within trans and interest communities. Carlos did a FANTASTIC job capturing some of my best points about the numerous issues that impact intersex people —  such as homophobia, gender-variant-phobia, sexism, fear of lesbian…

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By Hida / November 6, 2012 /

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