Hida video


How You Can Help End Intersex Genital Mutilation Right Now (VIDEO)

By Hida / October 30, 2017 /

Hi everyone! I’m thrilled to see the intersex movement growing, but many folks still don’t understand why the human rights abuse of Intersex Genital Mutilation, or IGM (a.k.a. medically unnecessary nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants and minors) persists, or what they can do to help end it. I’ve been told (and finally made myself watch…

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My video in GENDER TALENTS, by Carlos Motta

By Hida / March 15, 2015 /

I was interviewed for Gender Talents, a fantastic web-based project by artist Carlos Motta that engages movements and discourses for gender self-determination within trans and interest communities. Carlos did a FANTASTIC job capturing some of my best points about the numerous issues that impact intersex people —  such as homophobia, gender-variant-phobia, sexism, fear of lesbian…

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