Your Beautiful Child: Information for Parents
I am touched and excited to announce my new free resource for parents of intersex newborns: Your Beautiful Child: Information for Parents.
It is available in two versions:
— Your Beautiful Child Tri-fold Brochure
— Your Beautiful Child One-Sheet Version
This project was a labor of love, inspired by the many mothers who have asked me if there is a resource that uses non-stigmatizing, non-medicalized language to explain intersex variations to parents of newborns who might be confused or downright frightened by the information they receive from other sources. The current resources refer to being intersex as a “disorder of sex development”/DSD or in other such dehumanizing ways, and they were wanting something which affirmed the beauty and equality of intersex people in order to help parents feel comfortable and happy about, rather than frightened or worried about, the birth of their intersex baby.
I labored over how to best accomplish this in a short resource, consulting parents on their greatest concerns. I also consulted two physicians (a pediatrician and a urologist) to ensure that the language used was language that physicians would feel comfortable with, as it discusses the harms involved in attempting to alter intersex infants and minors with nonconsensual medical practices. The final version was also read, with minor edits, by intersex activist and writer Claudia Astorino, Associate Director of OII-USA, the American affiliate of the Organization Intersex International (OII).
I believe the result is one which helps educate parents about the fact that intersex people are just another one of humanity’s natural, beautiful expressions, and I hope that you’ll share it with anyone and everyone whom you feel may benefit. Thank you!
#intersex #intersex babies #intersex parents #intersex resource